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Poker Variations
Draw Poker
 -Five Card Draw
 -All For One or One   For All
 -Dog Butt
 -Don Juan
 -Howdy Doody
 -Jacks to Open, Trips   to Win
 -Monkey Love
 -Pick a Partner
 -Triple Draw
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Draw Poker Variations

Players receive a full hand of cards on the initial deal in these variations of poker. On every betting round, cards are then discarded and replaced with new cards in an attempt to make a good hand.

Five Card Draw

Number of Players: 3-7.

The Deal: Five cards are dealt face down to each player.

How to Play: There is a betting round after the deal. After the betting round, each player may exchange up to three cards. Another round of betting ensues, followed by the showdown. With fewer than six players, a player may draw four cards if they show that their remaining card is an Ace.

Pot Goes to: The high hand

Variations: Adding wild cards to play, High/low, Lowball, allowing for four card draw with an ace, Double Draw.


All For One or One For All

Number of Players: 3-10.

The Deal: Five cards are dealt face down to each player.

How to Play: The deal is followed by a round of betting. Then each player, starting from the player to the dealer's left and continuing in this direction, may draw replacement cards. Rounds of betting and drawing continue until there are fewer cards in the deck than there are players left in the game.

Pot Goes to: The high hand.


Number of Players: 4-7.

The Deal: Seven cards are dealt face down to each player.

How to Play: Before the first round of betting, each player passes three cards, face down, to the player on their left. Once everyone has passed to the left, the players pick up their three new cards and add them to their hands. After the next round of betting, each player passes two cards to their left and after the following betting round, only one card is passed to the left. At this point, each player chooses five cards and discards the remaining two. Players who choose to remain in the hand then proceed to showdown and the best poker hand wins.

Another option is that instead of an immediate showdown, each player chooses their best five best cards and puts them face down in front of them. All players then flip the top card and another betting round ensues, starting with the player with the highest card. The other cards are then exposed, one by one, with a betting round following each (except the last one of course).

Pot Goes to: The high hand, or for another variation, the high and low hands split the pot.

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Dog Butt

Number of Players: 3-7

The Deal: Five cards are dealt face down to each player.

How to Play: This game is played the same as Five Card Draw, except 3's and 9's are wild and a 4 gets a player an extra card.

Pot Goes to: The high hand.

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Don Juan

Number of Players: 3-8.

The Deal: Three cards are dealt face down to each player.

How to Play: After the cards are dealt there is a betting round. Then, each player, starting from the left of the dealer, may replace any or all of their cards. Another betting round is followed by a showdown.

Pot Goes to: The low hand. A23 is the lowest hand.

Variations: Players pay a predetermined amount for each card they replace.

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Howdy Doody

Number of Players: 4-7.

The Deal: Seven cards are dealt face down to each player.

How to Play: Like Anaconda, with these exceptions: Threes are wild, but only if they are used in a hand vying for a winning high hand. Kings are wild, but only if they are used in a hand vying for a winning low hand. No betting rounds take place until the showdown.

Pot Goes to: The High and low hands split.

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Jacks to Open, Trips to Win

Number of Players: 3-7.

The Deal: Five cards are dealt face down to each player.

How to Play: Same as Five Card Draw, with these differences: Only a player with a hand equal to or better than a pair of Jacks may open the betting. If nobody has such a hand, everyone antes again and the hand is redealt. Once betting begins, regular Five Card Draw play ensues, until the showdown. At this point, anyone with three of a kind or better can win. The best hand takes the pot. If nobody has a good enough hand, the hand is discarded, everyone antes again, and hands are redealt, but this time only the players who did not fold in this hand or the previous hand. If all but one player folds their hand on any given hand, this player wins the pot.

Pot Goes to: The high hand.

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Monkey Love

Number of Players: 3-6

The Deal: Five cards are dealt face down to each player.

How to Play: Players declare how many cards they want to draw simultaneously. The player to your left gets the cards you discarded.

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Number of Players: 4-7

The Deal: Seven cards are dealt face down to each player.

How to Play: This is similar to Anaconda, but no cards are passed. Each player makes a five card hand with the hand they are dealt (either a low hand or a high hand). Each player then places their cards face down in front of them in a stack, and a betting round ensues. Then, each player flips (rolls), the top card and another betting round ensues. This is repeated three more times, with a final round of betting and a showdown after the fourth roll.

Pot Goes to: High and low hands split.

Variations: In Large Neuticles (described above) seven cards are dealt to each player, in Medium Neuticles six cards are dealt to each player, and in Small Neuticles five cards dealt.

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Pick a Partner

Number of Players: 4, 6, 8, or 10.

The Deal: Five cards are dealt face down to each player.

How to Play: Everyone rolls one card, and the player with the highest card showing picks a partner. The next highest hand without a partner then chooses one, and so on until everyone is partnered. Each pair of partners then combines their eight remaining cards and chooses three of them. This is followed by a round of betting, after which every pair rolls a card. This is repeated twice more (betting and rolling) and the winning pair splits the pot. One team member may fold and the other one continue on, in which case that player would win the whole pot.

Pot Goes to: The high hand.

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Number of Players: 3-5.

The Deal: Five cards are dealt face down to each player.

How to Play: The same as Five Card Draw, but there are three drawing and betting rounds. A player may draw up to three cards per round and threes are wild.

Pot Goes to: The high hand.

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Number of Players: 3-10.

The Deal: Five cards are dealt face down to each player.

How to Play: After the first round of betting following the deal, each player can trade cards freely with every other player. Any number of cards can be traded, but a player must keep the same number of cards. After the trading, a final round of betting takes place, followed by the showdown.

Pot Goes to: The high hand.

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Triple Draw 2-7

Number of Players: 2-6

The Deal: Five cards are dealt face down to each player.

How to Play: The objective is to make the lowest five card hand. There are four rounds of betting (first one is after the deal), each one followed by a draw, except the last one, which is followed by the showdown. After each round of betting, players can replace any of their cards they choose.

Pot Goes to: The lowest five card hand. Aces play for high only and deuces play for low. Because you are trying to make the lowest possible hand, straights and flushes count against you. This means that 23456, for example, is a very bad hand. It is not considered a 6-low. It is a straight and is therefore worse than holding AKQJ9. The best hand is 23457 unsuited.

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Winning Poker Hands Poker Odds Poker Variations